Our Premium Soil Improver

Desert Compost is our flagship product, designed to make sandy soils as fertile as they can be. 

  • Locally manufactured

  • Sustainable & recyclable

  • Enables dedesertification

  • Increases yields up to 100%

  • Reduces water use up to 75%

  • Made from organic waste inputs

  • Designed by scientists

  • Thoroughly tested stable benefits


  • Higher yields – improves soil fertility increasing a crop’s yields up to 100%

  • Fertilisers savings – contains major crop nutrients including phosphate, potash, magnesium and sulphur

  • Suppress pest and diseases – contains beneficial soil microorganisms that help to inhibit pests and diseases reducing the need for chemical pesticides

  • Better water management – increases water infiltration and retention, making soil more resilient to both droughts and floods

  • Reduce chemical use – complements and enhances the performance of inorganic fertilisers, reducing the overall quantity needed

  • Optimal pH – buffers the acidifying effects of high nitrogen inputs, helping to keep soils at optimal pH

  • Resilient soils – improves long-term soil health, fighting desertification and soil erosion

Quality Control

We rigorously test the benefits of Edama’s products, drawing upon our expertise in plant science as well as the fantastic facilities available at KAUST’s Plant Growth Core Labs.

Tested benefits for soil properties:

  • water holding capacity

  • water infiltration and drainage

  • structure

  • fertiliser efficiency

  • mitigation salinity

Benefits for plant performance:

  • growth

  • yield

  • health

  • harvest quality

  • disease resistance


You can’t really go wrong by applying a 5cm-deep layer of compost on the area you want to improve and mixing it into the top 10-15cm of existing soil. You can also skip working it in and leave the compost as a mulch layer.

To prepare soil to fill new pots, mix one part compost with three parts potting soil to give your plants a boost. To prepare soil to fill raised beds, mix one part compost with two parts of local sandy soil.

Growing vegetables

At the beginning of the season, work up to 5 cm into the top 10-15cm of soil. Add a handful of compost into each hole when planting. Water thoroughly after planting. Once plants start growing, add 1-2 cm of compost around the base of each plant. Repeat monthly for ‘hungry’ plants such as tomatoes, zucchini and squash.

Growing flowers

To prepare new beds, work up to 5 cm of compost into the top 10-15 cm of soil. Water thoroughly after planting. For established beds, loosen the top 5 cm of soil before working in up to 5cm of compost, or apply a layer of up to 5 cm of compost as a mulch.

Potted plants

Mix two parts compost with one part sand or perlite to all new pots. Add up to 5 cm of compost to potted plants twice a year.

Lawns and turf

To establish new turf, work in up to 10 cm of compost into the top 15-20 cm of soil. For existing turf, apply 1-2 cm of compost to damaged areas and work in gently using a rake

Tree and shrub planting and maintenance

When planting new trees, work in 2-3 cm of compost into the top 5 cm of soil from the trunk of the tree to as far as the tree canopy extends.

Don’t add compost to a freshly dug hole when planting a new tree.

For established trees, gently loosen the top 5 cm of soil, avoiding damage to shallow roots, before working in up to 5 cm of compost. Repeat up to twice a year. Apply compost as a mulch by spreading up to 5 cm of compost from the trunk to as far as the canopy extends. Keep compost away from the bark of the tree.